Quick Update: Friday, March 6, 2020
Testing for COVID 19 infection is still limited in the US. We need access to testing. Otherwise, we have no idea of the extent of the epidemic.
A quick review of COVID-19 developments
1. Case count global—first time is greater than 100,000 reported cases=101,781.
Case count Rochester—one person under investigation pending test results (Rochester General).
A real-time global summary is available here.
2. In a letter from Dr. Howard Zucker, NYS Commisioner of Health, the following key points were made:
NYS lab is developing capacity to do 1,000 tests per day—up from the current 250 per day.
Combatting Asian stigma with multi-language support outreach to Asian communities
The DOH has several warehouses throughout the state with stockpiles of drugs, masks and protective gear, ventilators, etc.
There is a Preparedness Task Force in place and working.
Quarantine is in place—mostly voluntarily.
3. The US Senate passed an $8.6 billion appropriations bill to support COVID-19 efforts.