Quick Update: Friday, March 6, 2020

Testing for COVID 19 infection is still limited in the US. We need access to testing. Otherwise, we have no idea of the extent of the epidemic.

Testing for COVID 19 infection is still limited in the US. We need access to testing. Otherwise, we have no idea of the extent of the epidemic.

A quick review of COVID-19 developments

1. Case count global—first time is greater than 100,000 reported cases=101,781.

Case count Rochester—one person under investigation pending test results (Rochester General).

A real-time global summary is available here.

2. In a letter from Dr. Howard Zucker, NYS Commisioner of Health, the following key points were made:

  • NYS lab is developing capacity to do 1,000 tests per day—up from the current 250 per day.

  • Combatting Asian stigma with multi-language support outreach to Asian communities

  • The DOH has several warehouses throughout the state with stockpiles of drugs, masks and protective gear, ventilators, etc.

  • There is a Preparedness Task Force in place and working.

  • Quarantine is in place—mostly voluntarily.

3. The US Senate passed an $8.6 billion appropriations bill to support COVID-19 efforts.


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