More About Antibody Testing

Antibody testing is coming soon.

There are several testing options:

  • a blood draw where the test goes to the laboratory; results in 1-4 days approx

  • a finger prick rapid test at the “point of care” with results in 10-45 minutes.

Antibody testing tells you if:

  • you have been exposed to COVID-19 infection;

  • you have immunity after vaccination when vaccine becomes available;

  • you had a suspicious illness and if that illness was COVID-19

Why do it?

  • Once we understand immunity better, you will know if you are protected from infection if you have antibody

  • At the “community level,” it is good to know how many people in a population or community have been exposed previously

  • Herd immunity - eventually if around 70% people have either had infection and developed immunity or have been vaccinated— that ”herd immunity” that can slow the spread of infection

Stopping the Spread of Virus - notice the difference between spread of infection at the top and at the bottom. As more people develop “protective antibody (yellow people),“ spread of virus slows down.

Stopping the Spread of Virus - notice the difference between spread of infection at the top and at the bottom. As more people develop “protective antibody (yellow people),“ spread of virus slows down.


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