Finishing the Job: A Duty to Patients
How’s this table for talent? Our PrEP Team went to dinner recently. No particular reason - one of our occasional outings together to chat and get acquainted. This time, dinner was delayed because we had two new patients and several people stayed behind to get the patients settled in.
And it wasn’t just the PrEP team who stayed late - several of our providers and nurses were in clinic until after 7PM to finish up; well after closing.

Here we are all together.
(From left, clockwise: Dr. Bill Valenti, Tim Brumfield, Jaime Morrill, Sam Jett, Mary Guhin, Josh Elsenheimer, Dr. Michael Lecker, Dennis Adey, Fernando Muller, Dr. Ashley Zuppell)
At the risk of repeating myself - this team will help finish the job and End the HIV Epidemic by 2020. Learn more about PrEP and what our team is doing to make a difference here.